Comfort Scale
All content is copyright to JonNeville StudiO and is displayed under model-approved right to publish.
Choose your level!
This is an ascending scale of explicitness primarily for the solo model.
It is mainly used as a tool to help establish the boundary parameters for a shoot. Typically solo models will be asked to give a number or a range that corresponds to their own comfort level and we will stay within this boundary unless you specifically request a change. Click on the image for stage 1 below and use the arrow keys to advance through the levels.
If you have a question regarding things you would like to try that don't seem to fall within this scale, just let us know. We place no limitations on our clients other than whether something would be illegal to shoot. After all, this is your shoot ... not ours!
Specific Galleries
There is less requirement to define the range of shoot when multiple models are involved. There is less likely to be embarrassment in over-committing or short-fall of under-committing. Simply tell us what you would like to do and we will shoot to your level.